Thirty-six Views of the Pride of Edo-Pilgrimage to Teppozu Inari Fuji Shrine (Edo Jiman Sanjūrokkyō Teppōzu Inari Fuji Mōde)
Painted by Utagawa Toyokuni III and Utagawa Hiroshige II 1864 (Genji 1) Tokyo Shiryō Collection 3383-C3
In the grounds of Teppozu Shrine (Minato, Chuo Ward), is Fujizuka (Fuji mound – a miniature Mt. Fuji), which was put together with lava rocks carried from Mt. Fuji. Many people come to make pilgrimages (or Fuji-mode) to this small-sized Fuji.
The 'Mountain Opening' of Mt. Fuji took place on the first day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar and on this day, the people of Edo burnt incense in front of their homes and worship the mountain. Mt. Fuji was revered as a deity since times past and in the Edo period, there were gatherings of mountain worshippers in various locations which were called 'Fuji-kō' and the adherents made pilgrimages to the mountain and this is called Fuji-mode. There were also man made Mt. Fujis here and there in the city and so Edo residents could go on Fuji-mode without having to go all the way to the real mountain.
The Teppozu Inari Shrine pictured here is one of these and is famous along with Komagome, Asakusa, Yotsuya and Fukagawa. In the picture, a figure holding a parasol can be seen half way up the mountainside in the background of a man-made Fuji. The young girl in the foreground is holding a straw snake and in around the Hōei period (1704 to 1711), these were sold as charms against diseases in Fujizuka in Komagome and after this they were sold in various locations during the Mt. Fuji Festival.