Otoshi-banashi Word Flowers (Otoshi-banashi Kotoba-no-hana)
Editied by Utei Enba 1797 (Kansei 9) Kaga Collection 10464

This is the second collection of stories by the Hanashi-no-kai group, edited by Utei Enba, and is the sequel to Kimi Dango (literally "stories of joy and beauty," but also a pun on kibi dango: millet dumplings). It comprises a selection of 51 stories by 47 tellers, performed at the Hanashi-no-kai gatherings between the beginning of April and the end of October 1796 (Kansei 8).

The volume contains a preface titled "The Six Forms of Otoshi-banashi" (Otoshi-banashi Rikugi), which presents a classification of narrative forms modelled on the waka rikugi (six forms of Japanese poetry) in the classic text Collection of Poems of Ancient and Modern Times(Kokin Waka-shū).
The frontispiece of the volume features an illustration of three people, including a Buddhist monks and a warrior, passing through an entranceway marked "Mimasu-ren". Mimasu-ren was a group of devotees of the Kabuki actor Ichikawa Danjūrō V, led by Utei Enba.
