Search Tool
>Catalog (OPAC)
You can search the holdings of the Tokyo Metropolitan (Central and Tama) Libraries.。
CiNii Books
You can search the holdings of the Chinese and Korean books at the Metropolitan Libraries.(Library ID code is FA022594)
Cross-OPAC Search
You can search through the holdings of the public (ward, city and metropolitan) libraries in the metropolitan prefectural area.
General Catalog of Newspapers and Magazines of Municipal Libraries in Tokyo
You can search the newspaper and magazine holdings of the public (ward, city and town) libraries in the metropolitan prefectural area.
Memories of Metropolis-Tokyo
"Memories of Metropolis-Tokyo: Tokyo Archives" can show you images from Tokyo-related documents in the collection at the Tokyo Metropolitan Central Library.
EDO TOKYO - Digital Museum
This website was created for users to enjoy the history and culture of Edo/Tokyo, using documents related to Edo/Tokyo. With this website, you can now view documentsyou never had a chance to see before with ease.